Monday, August 24, 2015

Half Empty or Half Full?

What if I told you that you have the power to change what really happens to you in life? Well its true. I feel that sometimes people fail to realize the power of our own mind and words. Ultimately we control our entire lives, just by the simple thoughts we have everyday. It's all about your perspective- "is the glass half full or half empty?" I know we all have heard that saying just about a million times, but its true. If your in a tough time in life, try to look at your perspective. Instead of looking at it one way, try seeing the situation differently. Don't look at it from the front, but rather from the side view. With moving to college, it's very hard not to be sad to leave my family behind but as soon as my aunt talked to me about the way I've been looking at it,  I've been more joyous. Yes, my life is changing. However, it's changing for the best and it's time to take my own leap into the world and make my family proud. Today I'm beginning to change my perspective, and living better emotionally because of it.

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