Sometimes I wonder about who I am as a young person in this society. Who is it that I want to be in just 4-5 short years? To be completely honest with you all, I'm still unsure of exactly who I am in this giant world. My life has been changing drastically, and for me to sit here and tell you that I know exactly my plans for the next few years at Madison, or even what I want to pursue as a career afterwards is impossible. I believe that once I get there and situated I'll be able to make a more logical decision on exactly what to pursue. That's one thing about college that I don't like so far: everyone expects you to make up your mind on a major before you even enroll for courses! I mean, come on, we've all been there when grandpa asks you at your grad party... "so darling, what are you majoring in?" Or how about the sigh of disappointment when they find out you chose art or music? Yes. We've all been there. But I think that before we decide what we want to pursue in our future lives, we really need to know who we are and where we fit in society today. Everyone has a different purpose and passion, which makes finding ourselves even more fun. I like to think of the world as a giant puzzle. Everyone has a special shape (piece of the puzzle) that ends up coming together as we all find our own paths. So anyways, I honestly can't wait to see what college offers me, and the things I learn about myself and other people while there. It's an exciting yet nerve wrecking experience that I'm ready to embark on. Just remembering my morals, what I aim for in life, and taking it one step at the time is the path I'm taking. So remember: Just one step at a time.
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