Thursday, August 13, 2015

Family Means Everything.

Today was a magnificent day. It was my first day off in over 7 days...and let me tell you, it was more than a gift from above. I slept in, get a new phone, and see the new Fantastic Four movie (if you haven't seen it, you need to seriously consider). I feel like I'm starting to really appreciate the last few moments I'm having with my intermediate family. If anyone truly knows me, they know I am very family-oriented. If I'm not with my friends, I'm always at home spending time with my younger siblings, or even cooking dinner with my mother. I'll always remember watching my six year old sister and 8 month brother growing up so quickly every day before my eyes. When people say, "Family is everything and all you've got", its true. Family is the one thing you can always depend on, no matter what happens (hopefully). So my suggestion to all of my friends and whomever is reading my blog is to get off your phone and spend some time with your family because you never truly know when it will be your last day to love them in this world. I would like to conclude this post in saying I'm more than excited to move out, but I know I'll never forget these last few weeks living with my family. I love you mom, dad, sis, and bro...forever and always.

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