Hey guys and gals (whoever is reading this), I'm just going to be blunt tonight. Sometimes it's just good to get your words out and write them for others to see. I've always been told that I can be whoever I want to be and if I got good grades, I would eventually grow up to go to a University and become a successful adult in this world by my parents. I know it's true and that's the path I want to take in life, but currently I've been struggling with emotions. Right now is (and probably has been) the most emotional time in my life ever. I have always been a family girl all of my life, and trust me when I say this, that as I am typing this I am also in tears. I love my family more than anything in the world and separating for college is probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. You know what else make's me sad? I watched this movie called, "straight outta compton" today and it really showed me how at any given moment we can be told that our body is failing and only have so long to live. My question to all of you reading this post tonight or whenever or wherever you are...would you be ready to end your life where you are today? With everything you have done and accomplished, if God told you that you were going to be sent back up to heaven in a few short months, what would you do? Would you be ready? I don't know why these things are on my mind so late at night, but they really are. Life and death are a scary thing to me, and I think life is rather too short. This is why I want to make sure that the one part of my life I invest the most in is my very own family. They're truly the only one's that never seem to let me down in this broken world. I'm tired of being told I have an attitude because I'm black, or that I don't deserve to have a voice when something racial is said to me and I can't say anything about it. Or how about those people in life who just use you to build their own selfish needs? You see, folks, that is the person I don't want to be. I have been working so hard this summer with molding myself into a new and improved LaNesha. I want to be the friend with confidence, wisdom, and accepting attitude. I'm not who I was just three months ago. I'm fresh and ready to embark on this new adventure, with my family in one hand and dreams in the other...my road maps.
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