Monday, August 31, 2015

Acceptance in Our Daily Lives

Today. If I could possibly sum up my day to you in just one word I would define it as marvelous. It was such a fantastic day here in Madison. I got to meet some more peers in my program and explore the city zoo. I have a big day for tomorrow with many errands to run, but I've been feeling the sudden urge to just blog and get my thoughts out there. I truly hope that the words I'm writing/have written will be a blessing to everyone who reads it. It's my goal to not only share my life with you all, but also to make an impact in other lives. Whether that be by you just simply reading what I have to say, then so be it.

Anyways, the topic for today is acceptance. Once again, I'm not exactly sure why I chose this one, but its just been on my heart. Everyone truly wants to be accepted by at least one person in their life. While here at college, my first weekend has been the constant cycle of everyone trying to find their home and some sort of "acceptance" with their new friends. College is cool because absolutely no one knows who you used to be, so you can finally come on a clean slate to start your life back over again. Personally, I think the best way to be accepted is to just be yourself. It may seem silly for me to say this, but you'd be surprised how many people I've ran into that seem to be in this situation. Being yourself should always be the number one priority, and eventually, your true friends will come too. I'm going to be completely honest and say that coming from a religious high school previously, its been different for me to just accept everyone. Just because you accept someone for who they are, doesn't mean you have to agree with it. There's a difference there folks. Accepting and agreeing. Also, this is a little off topic but I feel the need to touch on the fact that you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Just never forget that. We will all eventually impact someone's life during our time here on Earth, whether they accept us or not. The only lingering questions are, "who and when?" Well thats the about now? Start being the light in the darkness, accept others, and be that impact. Spread like wildfire and never stop believing in YOU.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Clarity in the Scientific Field of Love.

Well, the day has come in which stands the last day my entire family is sound asleep and I'm still living here under the same roof. I'm going to miss being at home with my family more than anything. If anyone doesn't know me on a personal level, you should know that I am a very emotional person. I care a lot for people, and I would probably cross the ocean for someone I love.

Speaking of which, today I felt the sudden desire to expound on the magnificent topic of love. Earlier in my postings I mentioned that I wasn't quite sure if I even believed in love in the first place. I'm not exactly sure why, but suddenly I've began to realize what love is to me. Love is going the extra mile just to see that other person happy, even if it means you suffer. Love is putting your selfish needs aside and caring for others. It never envies or boasts. However, so often, our own generation uses this powerful word without realizing what it actually means. Personally I think thats why I wasn't sure if love existed. I didn't think it existed because someone in my life had failed me, shortly after they told me how deep their love for me was. Love doesn't give up. It's powerful and can break even the most strong beings in this world. I truly believe its the one thing our hearts truly yearn for in life. Wherever any of you find love is completely your own decision, but just know this: love is all of these things I have mentioned, and more. I hope as this day concludes, that everyone in this world (including you) finds someone to experience true love with (whether it be romantically, or with a friendship). Don't limit your surroundings because of someone who hurt you. LOVE can hurt you if it's fake, but don't let it take who you are. Stand up for what you want, and never give up. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Half Empty or Half Full?

What if I told you that you have the power to change what really happens to you in life? Well its true. I feel that sometimes people fail to realize the power of our own mind and words. Ultimately we control our entire lives, just by the simple thoughts we have everyday. It's all about your perspective- "is the glass half full or half empty?" I know we all have heard that saying just about a million times, but its true. If your in a tough time in life, try to look at your perspective. Instead of looking at it one way, try seeing the situation differently. Don't look at it from the front, but rather from the side view. With moving to college, it's very hard not to be sad to leave my family behind but as soon as my aunt talked to me about the way I've been looking at it,  I've been more joyous. Yes, my life is changing. However, it's changing for the best and it's time to take my own leap into the world and make my family proud. Today I'm beginning to change my perspective, and living better emotionally because of it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Late Night Snack Thoughts

Hey guys and gals (whoever is reading this), I'm just going to be blunt tonight.  Sometimes it's just good to get your words out and write them for others to see. I've always been told that I can be whoever I want to be and if I got good grades, I would eventually grow up to go to a University and become a successful adult in this world by my parents. I know it's true and that's the path I want to take in life, but currently I've been struggling with emotions. Right now is (and probably has been) the most emotional time in my life ever. I have always been a family girl all of my life, and trust me when I say this, that as I am typing this I am also in tears.  I love my family more than anything in the world and separating for college is probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. You know what else make's me sad? I watched this movie called, "straight outta compton" today and it really showed me how at any given moment we can be told that our body is failing and only have so long to live. My question to all of you reading this post tonight or whenever or wherever you are...would you be ready to end your life where you are today? With everything you have done and accomplished, if God told you that you were going to be sent back up to heaven in a few short months, what would you do? Would you be ready? I don't know why these things are on my mind so late at night, but they really are. Life and death are a scary thing to me, and I think life is rather too short. This is why I want to make sure that the one part of my life I invest the most in is my very own family. They're truly the only one's that never seem to let me down in this broken world. I'm tired of being told I have an attitude because I'm black, or that I don't deserve to have a voice when something racial is said to me and I can't say anything about it. Or how about those people in life who just use you to build their own selfish needs? You see, folks, that is the person I don't want to be. I have been working so hard this summer with molding myself into a new and improved LaNesha. I want to be the friend with confidence, wisdom, and accepting attitude. I'm not who I was just three months ago. I'm fresh and ready to embark on this new adventure, with my family in one hand and dreams in the road maps.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Family Means Everything.

Today was a magnificent day. It was my first day off in over 7 days...and let me tell you, it was more than a gift from above. I slept in, get a new phone, and see the new Fantastic Four movie (if you haven't seen it, you need to seriously consider). I feel like I'm starting to really appreciate the last few moments I'm having with my intermediate family. If anyone truly knows me, they know I am very family-oriented. If I'm not with my friends, I'm always at home spending time with my younger siblings, or even cooking dinner with my mother. I'll always remember watching my six year old sister and 8 month brother growing up so quickly every day before my eyes. When people say, "Family is everything and all you've got", its true. Family is the one thing you can always depend on, no matter what happens (hopefully). So my suggestion to all of my friends and whomever is reading my blog is to get off your phone and spend some time with your family because you never truly know when it will be your last day to love them in this world. I would like to conclude this post in saying I'm more than excited to move out, but I know I'll never forget these last few weeks living with my family. I love you mom, dad, sis, and bro...forever and always.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Who am I and where am I going?

Sometimes I wonder about who I am as a young person in this society. Who is it that I want to be in just 4-5 short years? To be completely honest with you all, I'm still unsure of exactly who I am in this giant world. My life has been changing drastically, and for me to sit here and tell you that I know exactly my plans for the next few years at Madison, or even what I want to pursue as a career afterwards is impossible. I believe that once I get there and situated I'll be able to make a more logical decision on exactly what to pursue. That's one thing about college that I don't like so far: everyone expects you to make up your mind on a major before you even enroll for courses! I mean, come on, we've all been there when grandpa asks you at your grad party... "so darling, what are you majoring in?" Or how about the sigh of disappointment when they find out you chose art or music? Yes. We've all been there. But I think that before we decide what we want to pursue in our future lives, we really need to know who we are and where we fit in society today. Everyone has a different purpose and passion, which makes finding ourselves even more fun. I like to think of the world as a giant puzzle. Everyone has a special shape (piece of the puzzle) that ends up coming together as we all find our own paths. So anyways, I honestly can't wait to see what college offers me, and the things I learn about myself and other people while there. It's an exciting yet nerve wrecking experience that I'm ready to embark on. Just remembering my morals, what I aim for in life, and taking it one step at the time is the path I'm taking. So remember: Just one step at a time.