Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Cliff

        Hey everyone! I haven't been on my blog lately, and that's mostly due to life directing my attention towards pursuing a Nursing degree! But anyways, I really want to share an experience I had earlier this week at a school Lutheran service. The pastor shared something I think is so evident in my life, and it may be for you too. He spoke about how he had a scary experience with rock climbing, and the rock he had been latched to started to fail him. Then, he went on to say that sometimes, the things in our life that seem to be a rock, and have us grounded, end up being the things that fall apart on us. Are you holding onto temporary things in your life that you know won't support you for long?

Of course the pastor probably explained it about twenty times better than I just did-- However, my point is that, even in my own life I have been looking for fulfillment in temporary things. Recently, I've really had to take a step back and look at my life and reevaluate what I set as my priorities. Not going to lie, for the longest time all  I wanted was a boyfriend. I would do anything to just have a boyfriend. But I'm realizing that...this is just a temporary fix to the emptiness inside of me. Having a man in my life won't fix me, and he SHOULDN'T fix me- because thats my job. Dating isn't all it's cracked up to be either, just in case you're wondering (lol, but seriously though). So, I'm taking a step back from the dating life and focusing on ME. Because when you force things to work in your life at a specific time, things fall apart. You and I both have to focus on God (if you're a believer, but if not, then maybe destiny), and trust that the right timing will come for your wants and desires. It may not be now, or tomorrow, or next week, but when you follow your heart, many doors tend to open and you're rock may support you.

With love,