Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Beauty in Perspective.

       Taking in the beauty of things. Have you ever noticed the small things you seem to pass up everyday? Nowadays we're all so consumed with our daily routines, fast-paced life, and social media that we forget the small things we leave behind without a second glance. How about that small picture frame that rests beside your bed? Why is it there? Normally one would say it's because it reminds you of something or someone that makes you happy. Or how about the beauty of the nature outside? Do you ever sit outside and listen to the rustling leaves in the fall, crunch of snow in the winter, or the sounds of a lawn mower in the Spring? If your anything like me, the answer would be no.
        But what if we did? What if we took the time to take in the beauty of the small things? See, thats the thing I fear most about life on this Earth. I fear I will miss out on the small beautiful things and focus too much on materialistic things. I keep thinking how I'll miss the precious moments of my children because I'm too busy trying to capture the moment. Maybe its better to just BE in the moment, than to capture it. I'm not ranting to you, instead I'm trying to point out something so many of us do in life. We overlook the beautiful things and take life on this Earth for granted.
       In High School, we had a pastor come and share a sermon on a perspective. As we were all listening intently to this energetic pastor, he held up a blue marker and said, "this is your life." Now, like any other person in the room, we were confused-- how could a marker possibly signify our life? But I listened intently. He then went on to explain how God sees our life in all time zones: past, present, and future. However, we only see our life head on, but we don't see the entire thing in one view. Rather, we only see the past and present. He told us that God knows our path and that we just need to trust Him in all that we do and He will guide us down the right path in life. I think one of the lessons I got out of that sermon was that if we focus too much on the past or future, we miss the present. So how about being too focused on materialistic things? Will we miss the present time of our lives?
        Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly the most religious person ever. I don't condemn people for who they are, and I'm not saying you should all believe what I do. However, I felt this analogy could be used as a tool for your very own life.  I think life is not only about our perspectives but also what we make of it. Viewing life in a "beauty" perspective and focusing on the small things is something I am hoping so many of us in this world try. You see, I don't want to miss the special moments in my life. I want to focus on my present and not let the future or past distract me. Having goals and dreams for the future is okay of course, but focusing too much on things out of your control will only distract you from your current situations. I don't know about you, but I want to be there for my future generations to share those small joyous moments. Even though God Himself may be the only one to truly know exactly my destiny in life, I do know one thing for sure: I'm taking in the beauties of this world before its too late.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Fear of the Possible.

Sometimes I stay up late at night wondering to myself, "What If." What if I were to pursue everything  I ever dreamed of? What if I failed? What if I end up working a job that will never allow me to pay off my student loans? What if I never find another romantic partner? If you're anything like me, these questions bounce around in my brain on a daily basis. However, today I write to all of you out there with a dream and a book full of "what if's." To those of you who are in this situation (I speak to myself also), I encourage you all to go follow your dreams. No matter how big they are, you should reach for the stars, and remember that the sky is your only limit. This may seem cliche, but its true. Stop being afraid of the future, and failure. If there's one thing I learned while being at college so far, its that there's always another way. If you fail, take a step back and evaluate the situation and try again. There's no right or wrong answer to your life. It's YOURS, and you're in control. To my "what if" fellow friends, I encourage each one of us to take control of our own fears and turn it into energy to go after what we really want in life. For those who have their life together, I encourage you to share with others your accomplishments. Stop letting other peoples opinions block your own happiness and dreams. Go after it. I mean, you've only got about 60-80 years anyways. Make those years count, and NEVER stop dreaming.